Sunday, September 13, 2009


Compassion. I've never really been affected by a teacher's compassion for me or my classmates. I don't necessarily think it's an essential quality of teachers, but sometimes I think it's worthwhile. I think it's important for teachers, especially at an elementary level, to be compassionate. Younger children soak up attention and sympathy from elders. Like everything though, it should be done in moderation. For instance, teachers that are overly sympathetic will never get anything done because they always feel bad for children. However, if there is no compassion what-so-ever in a teacher, children will cringe at the thought of going to class. It's important for teachers to find a happy medium. If a teacher can be sensitive to a child's feelings without letting things go overboard, students and teacher will benefit from the situation. This way both are being listened to but not doted upon.
In my life, I have only once been very affected by a teacher's compassion. However, it could be arguably not compassion, but just kindness. When I was in first grade, I spilled milk all over my shirt. It was towards the end of the day and I was in such a fluster that I missed my bus. My teacher felt bad for me, I think, so she gave me a new shirt and gave me a ride home. Whether it was an act of compassion or kindness, or both, I'll always remember that day.
On another note, i do not recall having any teacher that was obviously compassionate. I find the word is hard to be distributed to a teacher because teachers are just doing their job. Although teachers undoubtedly become attached to their students, I find compassion is more a term for parents and children, or significant others. I'm slightly confused with the word actually because every time I think of it I think of the word passion, and then i get thrown off guard. The dictionary describes compassion as a feeling of sympathy towards, or mercy. I feel that compassion should be an asset of teachers, but not at an extreme level. Compassion could make the difference for some students. If someone finally seems to care and sympathize with them, they will eat it all up and hopefully will gain some self-esteem with it. However over doing it could result in attachment in an unhealthy way. If I child is too clingy I think that they are insecure and that's not the best quality for anyone at any age to have. Confidence should be gained from compassion and overdoing compassion could result in insecurity.

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